NBN Playing Key Role in Educational Outreach and Dissemination
SAN DIEGO, CA – NanoBioNexus, Inc. (NBN), a non‐profit organization devoted to nanobiotechnology and acclaimed for its educational forums and community‐building expertise, announces its collaboration agreement with London‐based renowned Purplegold Media (PGM) to help increase the publicʹs understanding of nanotechnology. A recent study by the Woodrow Wilson Institute indicated that 69% of Americans have heard little or nothing about nanotechnology. NanoBioNexus is working with numerous organizations as part of its overall educational mission to help provide information about nanotechnology’s scientific, business and humanitarian potential.
NBN is bringing its significant community outreach abilities and its educational expertise to the partnership with Purplegold Media, an organization that shares a comparable mission. PGM is devoted to bridging the gap between nanotechnology, the media and the public in order to responsibly and reliably communicate the potential benefits of this technology to the wider world. NBN will contribute content to as well as assist with the dissemination of PGM’s upcoming report ‘NANOTECHNOLOGY: A Brave New World,” a 12-page supplement to be featured in The New York Times that will be distributed to 4.9 million readers on October 1, 2007. The editorial goal of the report is to facilitate an understanding of nanotechnology and the commercialization process necessary to move these technologies into the mainstream.
“NanoBioNexus is pleased to team up with Purplegold Media to help build the greater public’s understanding of nanotechnology,” said Adriana Vela, Founder and Chair of the team of scientists and business professionals comprising NBN. “The Woodrow Wilson Institute is on record that
public acceptance of nanotechnology will be driven by education and our group is pleased to be contributing on this important front. NBN’s collaboration with an international publisher illustrates our global reach and educational focus for the benefit of our constituents and the public at large.”
Purplegold Media’s website at www.purplegoldmedia.com showcases the firm’s visual projects to- date. PGM has already created a series of creative and accessible short movies and webcasts that exemplify nanotechnology and The New York Times supplement will only add to its credits. “Purplegold Media looks forward to collaborating closely with NanoBioNexus,” said Georges Banna, one of PGM’s directors. “We value NBN’s reputation and the significance of their outreach and community building expertise.”
NBN has quite a number of educational projects already underway. NBN is actively working with institutions such as UCSD Extensions to develop coursework on nanobiotechnology. Dr. Sama Tamrakar, a senior member of NBNʹs Executive Team, will be the lead instructor for the class. The curriculum will cover both theoretical concepts and practical applications of nanotechnology. NBN also co‐leads the educational component of the UCSD‐headquartered NanoTumor Center, one of eight national NCI‐funded Centers of Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence, and facilitates education and communication about applications of nanotechnology in oncology. Coursework in cancer nanotechnology is also being developed to support the mission of the NanoTumor Center’s educational core.
About NanoBioNexus
With a growing international constituency, NanoBioNexus is a non‐profit corporation headquartered in San Diego and is exclusively dedicated to nanobiotechnology. The NanoBioNexus mission is to provide a community service by building awareness and understanding of nanotechnology and by fostering business opportunities in the application of nanotechnology in the life sciences. NanoBioNexus enables constituents in the Southern California area and beyond to keep up‐to‐date on the nanobio business environment.
Nanotechnology involves manipulating matter smaller than 100 nanometers and taking advantage of properties that are present only at that scale. For information on upcoming educational forums, professional services or other services, visit www.nanobionexus.org.
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