Suite of Professional Services to be Launched in 2006
SAN DIEGO, Calif., April 4, 2006 – NanoBioNexus, Inc. (NBN), a non-profit organization devoted to nanobiotechnology and acclaimed for its excellent educational forums, announced today that contract terms have been finalized with the University of California, San Diego, the lead member of the recently awarded Centers of Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence (CCNE), to head the educational component of the Center. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) has made a significant commitment to nanotechnology research for cancer and set aside a total of $144.3 million for the formation of seven CCNE’s nationwide. NCI awarded the University of California, San Diego $3.9 million for the first year of a five-year $20 million cancer-nanotechnology platform partnership. Members of the recently funded “Center of Nanotechnology for Treatment, Understanding, and Monitoring of Cancer” (NanoTUMOR) include the University of California, San Diego, Moores UCSD Cancer Center, the Burnham Institute, NanoBioNexus, and the University of California campuses at Irvine, Riverside and Santa Barbara.
The charter of the educational component is to provide education and facilitate communication in the community for applications of nanotechnology in oncology. William Vine, M.D., Ph.D., of NanoBioNexus is co-principal investigator heading the education core together with renowned oncologist Joanne Mortimer, M.D., professor of Clinical Medicine and deputy director, Clinical Oncology at the Moores Cancer Center. NanoBioNexus is known for its rigorous standards and is respected for its excellently crafted learning forums that bring together scientists, entrepreneurs, technology experts and venture capitalists. Adriana Vela, founder and chair of the seasoned team of scientist and business professionals leading NBN said, “NanoBioNexus is honored to have been invited to participate as a member of the Center and is proud to be part of this holistic goal of applying nanotechnology to eliminate suffering and death due to cancer. We are eager to contribute to its success.”
The quality of the educational component of each center was a requirement and one of the key selection criteria for the CCNE awards. The goal of the educational core is threefold: 1) coordinate education programs in nanotechnology and cancer for faculty, students and staff of participating institutions; 2) enhance communications within and between member institutions; and 3) provide education and awareness of nanotechnology applications in cancer to community healthcare providers and the general public. To meet the educational needs of the Center and the cancer community, NanoBioNexus will design and deliver a diverse set of training vehicles including courses, seminars, grand rounds, workshops, Web sites and interactive Web casts.
The NanoTUMOR center will focus on smart, multifunctional, all-in-one nanoplatforms capable of targeting tumors and delivering payloads of therapeutics. “We are pleased to have an organization like NanoBioNexus as a partner in this center. Not only are they experts in delivering educational programs, but they are also an excellent resource with deep affiliations and partnerships in the industry locally and on a global basis”, said Sadik Esener, Ph.D., professor of electrical and computer engineering and materials sciences at UCSD Jacobs School of Engineering and director and principal investigator for the NanoTUMOR center.
NanoBioNexus’ growth strategy includes building a suite of professional services to help companies, both large and small, capitalize on the opportunities in this space by delivering both technical and business services. Details about the services component of NBN will be announced later this year. NanoBioNexus continues its ongoing series of events that are open to the general community. The next NBN seminar will be May 4 entitled “Targeted NanoTherapeutics and Molecular Imaging.” See http://www.nanobionexus.org for complete details. Other educational activities at NBN include providing bylined content to NanoBiotech News and offering yearly subscriptions to this leading-edge publication. The NBN executive team is also currently completing a cover feature on “nanodrugs” scheduled for the June issue of Drug Delivery Technology magazine.
About NanoBioNexus
NanoBioNexus is the only San Diego organization exclusively dedicated to nanobiotechnology with a growing international constituency. It is a non-profit corporation that showcases applications of nanotechnology in the Life Sciences. The NanoBioNexus mission is to provide a community service by building awareness and understanding of nanotechnology and by fostering business opportunities in the application of nanotechnology in the life sciences. NanoBioNexus serves as a catalyst for forming relationships and exchanging ideas by sponsoring acclaimed, ongoing forums that bring together target audiences that include scientists, entrepreneurs, business and legal experts, technology experts, academics, venture capitalists, and the general public. NanoBioNexus enables constituents in the Southern California area and beyond to keep up-to-date on the nanobio business environment.
For more information, please contact:
NanoTUMOR Educational Core Contact:
Adriana Vela
Founder & Chair, NanoBioNexus Phone: 858-312-1678
Email: [email protected]
NanoTUMOR Center Contact: Sadik Esener, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator, Nano-TUMOR
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UCSD Phone: 858-534-2732
Email: [email protected]
Media Contact:
Sandra Kay Helsel, Ph.D. Communications/Editor-in-Chief, NanoBioNexus SK Helsel & Associates
Phone: 520-325-4636
Email: [email protected]
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