SAN DIEGO – March 18, 2014 – NanoTecNexus (NTN), a leading nanotech educational organization will host a wine tasting and fundraiser in support of its first national scale education program exhibit at the 3rd USA Science & Engineering Festival (USASEF) held in Washington, DC April 25-27. The fundraiser entitled “Chemistry of Wine”, features Professor J. Ernie Simpson, PhD, a highly recognized and respected wine educator and professor of chemistry at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona.
Known for superb wine lectures, Dr. Simpson is an active member of the American Society for Enology and Viticulture and has served on the editorial review board for the Society’s journal. He has published a California wine guide and is an active member of the Society of Wine Educators and the American Wine Society. Event date is April 16th, 2014 at the daVinci Auditorium at the offices of Knobbe, Martens, Olson & Bear LLP located at 12790 El
Camino Real, San Diego, CA. Click here to register.
The event will celebrate collaborations with the community organizations, industry and academia that support the mission and goals of NanoTecNexus. “We are inspired by the companies sponsoring and supporting our program to exhibit at USASEF and we’ll gladly share the national spotlight.” said Adriana Vela, Founder and CEO, NanoTecNexus. “We are especially excited about our collaboration with the Department of NanoEngineering at UCSD and the effort invested by the Graduate Society of Nanoengineers (GSN)”.
Kenneth Vecchio, Ph.D., Chair of UCSD’s NanoEngineering Department, said “We are pleased to support a well- conceived program that engages the interest of students in our department and provides real-world collaboration experience for enterprising graduate students. NanoTecNexus is an important liaison to build linkages between students, industry and the community. Our students are really excited about participating in the Science and Engineering Festival.”
Exhibiting at the USASEF means being among the rock stars of science which include science celebrities, explorers, astronauts, athletes, authors and experts in all areas of science and engineering. The NanoTecNexus “Do you Nano?” themed booth will include participation by the UCSD Department of NanoEngineering graduate students.
The NanoEngineering Department is the sixth department at the UCSD Jacobs School of Engineering, which ranks 12th in the nation and 13th in the world, according to the 2013 Academic Rankings of World Universities conducted by Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China. It also ranks 14th among the nation’s top 198 engineering schools, and 8th in the nation among public universities according to the U.S. News ranking of graduate schools. (U.S. News, published March 2013). Visit the Department of NanoEngineering’s website at: http://nanoengineering.ucsd.edu/.
Companies and organizations rallying support for this program include thought-leaders such as PerkinElmer, Thorabs, Applied Motion Products, Duane Morris LLP, CONNECT.org, von Liebig Center for Entrepreneurism at UCSD, Knobbe Martens LLP, Biotech Vendor Services, HP MagCloud, Sughrue PLLC, Devtwenty and Nanotechnology Now.
Other academic collaborations include Florida Polytechnic University. Earlier this year, NanoTecNexus founder, Adriana Vela accepted an invitation to the Nanotechnology and Multifunctional Materials Industry Advisory Board (NanoMat IAB) from Florida Poly and signed a Memorandum of Understanding to serve as an industry advisor for a three year term. In this role Vela will provide guidance on strategic areas of curriculum development, research, fundraising, and outreach. For more information on the University’s Nanotechnology Program, visit the University website at http://floridapolytechnic.org/academics/nanotechnology/
Efforts for this program culminate in being among exhibitors providing more than 3,000 hands-on activities and more than 100 live stage-performances educating more than 300,000 attendees. To learn more about the
USASEF, watch the video at www.usasciencefestival.org/festival-highlight-video.
About NanoBioNexus
NanoTecNexus (NTN) has traditionally focused on the business-education ecosystem specializing in the field of nanotechnology and its impact on industry, academia and society. Founded in 2004, it is acclaimed as a leading non-profit organization dedicated to the business-education ecosystem. Its mission is to achieve meaningful change in how society learns about nanoscience and inspire K-12 students to pursue STEM education and careers. NTN was originally founded as NanoBioNexus in 2004 and dedicated the first five years to the intersection of nanotechnology and biotechnology. In 2009, the organization expanded to other sectors and continues to evolve to meet the ever changing needs of its target market.
About UCSD Department of NanoEngineering
UC San Diego established the Department of NanoEngineering within its Jacobs School of Engineering in July 2007. The NanoEngineering Department is focused on research, which we refer to as “Materials Science for the 21st Century” covering a broad range of nanomaterials related topics, in the fields of biomedical nanotechnology,
nanotechnologies for energy conversion, computational nanotechnology, and molecular and nanomaterials synthesis. The department also administers the undergraduate and graduate programs in Chemical Engineering. Faculty research programs include: nanomedicine, sensing and diagnostic technologies for applications such as clinical, environmental and security monitoring and remote sensing; nano-fluidics; nanomachines for drug delivery and nanomanufacturing; materials for energy storage and solar energy conversion; pliable electronics; self- assembly and directed self-assembly of nanomaterials; nanophotonics; industrial scale nanomanufacturing technologies; computational materials design; and materials development for extreme environments. More complete details about the department can be found by clicking here.
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